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Скрытые оружия

russianjoint: калаш + иконка молотова (когда держиш выглядит как хэдкрэб, бросаеш - молотов) http://i25.tinypic.com/2d9be37.jpg калаш и спрятанный за стенкой барни в d1_trainstation_02 http://i30.tinypic.com/10n7pxy.jpg молотов летит http://i26.tinypic.com/2lszoua.png combine guard gun http://i29.tinypic.com/21oa5h3.jpg [quote]give weapon_cguard - Spawns combine guards super gun lol give weapon_molotov - spawns molotov cocktail that looks like a headcrab when holding it and normal when thrown give weapon_ar1 - spawns ak47 give weapon_ml - spawns missile launcher give weapon_extinguisher - spawns fire extinguisher give weapon_flaregun - spawns flaregun give weapon_hmg1 - spawns heavy machine gun give npc_missiledefense - missile destroyer give weapon_hopwire - spawns hopwire grenade give weapon_iceaxe - spawns ice axe give weapon_immolator - spawns immolator give weapon_irifle - spawns incendiary rifle give weapon_smg1 - spawns MP5K give weapon_smg2 - spawns MP7 give weapon_physgun - spawns physgun give weapon_sniperrifle - spawns sniperrifle give weapon_stickylauncher - spawns sticky grenade launcher (looks like the pistol) give weapon_stunstick - spawns the sun baton Vortex Hopwire: 1 type "hopwire_vortex 1" in console * 2 type "give weapon_hopwire" * * note: In maps where several Hopwires can * * be spawned, the crosshair must be located * * on it to activate it, otherwise it will * * spawn a second Hopwire. *[/quote] http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Half-Life_2_Beta

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